In this module you will continue your interaction with the ClimatePD learning scenarios. This time, you will choose one scenario of your interest and adapt it to a specific context of teaching - your context! This way you will have it ready to use whenever you want, now or in the future. To that goal, you will work on your own or collaborate with other teachers.
To develop knowledge about how to adapt an existing learning scenario to your context of teaching
To reflect on your own learning from a video recording
To brainstorm ideas of which of the ClimaTePD learning scenarios you could apply in class
To develop knowledge about creating a virtual learning environment for your students
Choosing a scenario and adapting it to your own context will help you to make climate change education closer to a reality for your students and for you. Sometimes we know the theory very well, but isn't it true that the hardest part is to put it into practice? For this reason, we propose that you do so as part of this course, so that if you have any difficulties or just want to share with other teachers in your situation or with the course facilitator, you can do so in this platform.
This unit includes mainly autonomous work, in the form of readings / watching presentations and doing activities. There is one synchronous activity with other teachers taking this course, which will be face-to-face or online (check the activity description). As in previous units, at the end of the unit you will be required to do the evaluation.
B1: Scenario Introduction | C1: Scenario Construction |